How to quickly make a CRUD REST API and database with Firebase

Ryan Tinker
2 min readMay 10, 2020

Have you ever needed a quick, free, online database with an easy CRUD REST API? Here’s how to do it in 3 steps and about 5 minutes using Firebase.

Step 1: Setup your database

  1. Create a new project in the Firebase console.
  2. Set up a Realtime Database in your Firebase project. Set permissions to public read/write (you’ll lock these down in step 3).
  3. Copy the address for your database. It will look like: https://[PROJECT_ID]

Step 2: CRUD your data

Write data to a specific node/location in database

From your command line, execute a cURL (obviously replacing the domain part of the URL in the command with the address to your database):

curl -X PUT -d '{ "first": "Jack", "last": "Sparrow" }' \

Get data from that node

curl 'https://[PROJECT_ID]'

Also if the database is set to public read/write, you can just hit that URL in your browser to see the contents at that node.

Push data to a node

Note, this is different than the write/put to a specific node. This will create a new node (with a unique ID) under the node you supply. Then it will place your data in that new node.

curl -X POST -d '{"user_id" : "jack", "text" : "Ahoy!"}' \

The response body will contain the ID of the newly created node:

{ "name": "-INOQPH-aV_psbk3ZXEX" }

Delete a node

curl -X DELETE \

For more commands, see the Firebase REST Reference:

Step 3: Lock down your database

Finally, you’ll want to prevent unauthorized read/write access to your publicly-available database.

1. Copy the Database Secret Token Key from the Service Accounts section of your Firebase project.

2. Update your Database Rules to require authenticated requests.

"rules": {
".read": "auth != null",
".write": "auth != null"

3. Adjust your cURL commands to include the Database Secret Token Key. For example:

curl -X PUT -d '{ "first": "Jack", "last": "Sparrow" }' \

And that’s it. Your database should now be secure behind that token. If needed, you can revoke that token and issue a new one at any time in your Service Accounts section.



Ryan Tinker

Short, useful articles on building software products, engineering, and management. Side projects:,